Friday, February 6, 2009

I'M GOING TO BE ON A SHOW!!!! and i like jogging

i'm going to be on a show! it'll start out on the internet and the producers are hoping it'll get picked up by mtv, nbc, spike tv or something eventually-- i went to the show audition last week and made it (maybe cuz i showed them i could talk with my mouth closed and told them i skinned chickens once in south america), so today i met with 9 other girls who made it (we met at top of huntley hotel in santa monica with the coolest view everrrr of mountains and the beach and LA), we are all moving into a big mansion on hermosa beach (havent told my new roomates im moving out yet ha i just got here like 11 days ago?), i think the show will be called 'making it in LA' or something--all us girls chosen have really different things going on in our lives and so each of our lives is like a different story line of the show! it just documents us as we do what we do what we already do! (some go to beauty school, one girl is famous in Estonia as a TVhost (really random country in Europe!), one girl is playboy model of 2008, one girl was on that Paris Hilton TV show where she looks for a BFF, one little girl wrestled in highschool and beat all the boys, and I didn't hear from every single one what their story was but the common thread is that we in LA doing whatever! So the producers will leave cameras around the house that we can just pick up and bring wherever which is MY FAVORITE THING EVER i'll be like sweet pancake party 2am wheres that dang camera, or hey random road trip to the gas station? anyway so funny cuz all us girls are bonding like crazy and the producers over there i heard them like... so much for having drama in the house they get along too good ha!!

ive loved living in this apartment though the 11 days it lasted cuz its super fun and interesting, my 3 roomates we are all so different but we get along so great!!- i love listening to veronica's stories (not real name haha i dont feel like saying the real one) cuz she can talk forever and about how she has a massive crush on this married exotic 23 year old guy who is married to a 40 year old girl. the roomate living in the livingroom is 19 and likes 37 year olds and the other roomate from hawaii is an import model and walks around in her underwear only when we have our guy friends over otherwise she locks herself in her room or goes on snowboarding trips to far away places. our 3 guy neighbors (2 are pool managers at bev. hills hotel, and one says that its the worst day of his life everyday cuz he hates his marketing job) (we brought rice pudding cup and cookie to the other day) we are getting to all be fast buds kinda like the show friends we take turns cooking each other meals and we were going to get walky talkies for each of our apartment-- and once i jogged home and high school girls were wrapping up a garage sale and gave me a free toaster and mini lava lamp night light. love santa monica, and the streets of the neighborhoods here are lined with big trees that almost touch overhead (thats one of my favorite life things) so its like jogging through mystical tree tunnels of awesomeness.


Laurie said...
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Emma Bennet said...

sweet!! i am soo glad that your gonna be on a show!! well, tell us if it hits some TV stations and I'll be sure to watch! Congrats!!!

Christine said...

dude, i wanna see you on tv. haha. that sounds totally fun.
i want the mini lava lamp!!!!! haha. i have a lava lamp that i got at a garage sale, actually.. it rocks. but i wouln't mind a mini one;) if you responded to the comments i'd ask what color it is. lol.