Thursday, October 14, 2010


I'm back... twitter's 140 characters leave much to the imagination and I like telling people too much so here we go lol- life's updates since the last time i blogged... uhh wow looking back that was when i lived in LA -- a LOT has happened since then!!! I moved to Nashville Tennessee, but fly to NYC 3-5 days a week to host '10 on Top' on MTV -- its on saturdays at 11:30 am est. its good stuffff!!!! super fun. everyone who works there is awesome, and its right in times square. they gave me an office too which i kinda turned into my home away from home bedroom. in the sense that i have so many clothes in there and posters. and italy round lights hung from the ceiling. also. i recently found out its 'times square' and not 'time square'. watever. sometimes i make sugar cookies and bring them around mtv. but i keep meeting new people and needing more so nobodies left out. last time i needed to make 4 batches n i was still short cuz i give them to people in the elevator and street on the way in too.

anyways it felt like christmas in NYC yesterday cuz it was crisp out, today it's rainy and i just got done filming '10 on top' so im sitting in my hotel room trying to figure out what to be for halloween. wow that DJ hero2 commercial where the girl gives another girl her freckles is really trippy & amazing. going to go edit a video now fo funz. i got jason 'NHL slapshot' for wii, for canadian thanksgiving the other day and he played for like 3 days straight & now his arms hurt! murphy dug up one of our plants in tennessee and paisley purrs when i hold her up to our tv so she can bat at the moving pictures on the screen, and she has no front claws, i think thats it for now



Christine said...


I MISS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on blogger, that is. i love your tweets but i miss your blogging :o)

yay for being back!!!

i totally know how tweeting kills blogging, though. D: it kind of did for me but i still do it once in a while.

btw, lovely picture of you!!<333